Resolve, rise, rebirth & re-establish your personal power by stepping into your sense of value.

Welcome! My name is Gladys & I offer sound baths + oracle readings for individuals & in group settings.

These healing modalities facilitated my own healing journey in managing anxiety, transmuting childhood traumas, releasing ancestral chains, generational healing & in finding my way back to my true joyous self. I have found purpose in helping others as they search for their own inner peace, joy & understanding.

“Those who search for happiness do not find it because they do not understand that the object of the search is the seeker.” - Alan Watts


Your sound journey will start with a charka activation exercise that will enable you to acutely tune into your own senses.  Crystal sound bowls, accompanied by other high frequency instruments, will lull you into an a relaxing meditative state that allow you to connect to a deeper state of consciousness directly connected with your nervous system. These healing frequencies have the ability to penetrate on cellular levels and recalibrate your own vibrational energy to one in unison with the universe. As a result, you may experience a release in anxiety, deep relaxation, and a boost in focus and creativity, just to name a few benefits.


These cards are energetically cleared & charged during the sound bath & available for readings after a sound bath. Oracle & Tarot cards are a great way to mirror your energy, gain alternate perspectives & cultivate a better understanding of yourself.